Thursday, March 15, 2012

#22 Zombies and Photography

So I have officially decided to start taking clients for photo sessions! It's kind of a big leap for me since I SWORE I wouldn't go that route...but...I couldn't help myself...people kept asking me to take their cute little kids photos! I thought I might as well make it for real and get paid since I currently don't have a paycheck.

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE doing this kind of photography!  It's so fun to catch those moments on camera and share them with everyone. There is something though, deep within me, that wants to do stuff like this:

Click on picture to see the whole photo shoot!

Zombie engagement photo shoot. aka BRILLIANT! How stinkin' cool are these people to WANT to do this for their engagement photos?! Best. Idea. Ever.

And speaking of the zombie apocalypse, which we are all preparing for, I want to share some tips for packing your bug out bag:

  1. Cash will probably not be worth anything so don't bother stock piling it. Spend it now! 
  2. Cell phones won't work, so invest in a hand crank CB radio and have any friends or family you want to still be in contact with after the apocalypse to get one too. Great gift idea for Christmas! Nothings says I LOVE YOU than a cb radio for after all Hell breaks loose!
  3. Guns:  Remember, all that hoarding of ammo does you no good if you can't carry it all with you! Think RAMBO
  4. Gotta slow kid? Hiking packs to carry those precious, but stumpy-legged ones is better than all dying 'cause Timmy couldn't keep up.
  5. Play Fall Out 3 and watch the book of Eli before looking online for purchases. You will be inspired!

Ha...stinkin Zombies

And what am I thankful for today?

Nap Time.

All parents rejoice at this glorious time of day when the young ones go to sleep and the parents can update their blog, or clean, or play videos games...or ....WHATEVER THE CRAP THEY WANT!!!! MWUAHAHAHAHA!!!!! FREEEEEEDOM!!!!!....crap she's up...*sigh*


  1. Your photos are gorgeous!!!! God girl, I napped when my kids napped. That was the best part of my day!!!

    1. Thank you! I do sometimes nap also, but it depends on if I have consumed a whole pot of coffee before nap time...ha

  2. Amazing pictures! I was sad when my son was too old to nap...those days were so nice and sane!

    1. We are slowly going to 1 nap instead of 2 and I'm crying on the inside a little...and on the outside :)

  3. Those are some good pics. I don't know anythign about photography, but the zombie thing sounds like an AMAZING idea.

    Parents like photos of their kids. Kids like face-painting. You like zombies (everyone like zombies). Zombies like brains. Maybe you should set up your own business where you paint kids as zombies and take photos for their parents?
    I can see a market for that.

    1. I know right?! That's not such a bad idea...or maybe have their kids killing zombies? SUPER HERO ZOMBIE KILLER KID PHOTOS!!! I can see it now...I'm gonna be RICH!

    2. Who is eating all the Zs on your blog? There were two missing in my comment, one in your original post, and one in your comment?

      Your blog is eating Zs!

    3. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I think a zombie ate your brain :) I see no missing zzzzzzzzs haha

  4. yeah for you!! I love to do photography, it is the editing process I loathe!

    1. See I love ALL of it! I think the artsy side of me loves the taking of the photos, but then the tech side of me loves to edit!!!

  5. I have a bug out bag. But I have to replace my food bars because they expire at the end of the month. And also I'm trying to figure out how I can get some antibiotics to keep in my bag. Yeah, I'm kind of a geek.


You should comment. I am an affirmation girl, so even if it's shallow and fake, I will TAKE IT!!! Or if you hate it, you will just give me good material for another blog post so.... COMMENT OR DIE!!! ( that was a bit harsh, but i really do like comments...thanks!)